The aesthetics of Sakti’s paintings manifests a distinct appearance, which is the significant result of his individualized technique and style developed with inspiration from frescoes observed in Italy and later in India at Ajanta. In his redefinition of fresco like appearance; it fundamentally involved employingpointillist method, spray painting, mixing of oils and acrylics, which in consonance with his elementsparticularly line, colour and texture offered a visual tactility that had neither the smoothness of oil, textures of acrylics but a mottled appearance. The line either as an arabesque flourish, flowing contour, snipped or broken juxtaposed with glimpses of subtly manipulated hues as pinks, oranges, browns, grays, greens, blues and blacks against the spotless white of the paper, create visual power. The works therefore melds empirical experiences, dreams and imagination with all these elements, marking his approach that aptly describes him as an “Alchemist of Dreams”.
The diverse influences from the western and Indian traditions has remained with him, enablinga crafting of rich imagery with significant metaphors and symbols that continue to populate his works to this day, particularly modern master Chagall’s his flying forms. Though settled in Paris, his spirit remains truly Indian, carrying subconsciously the art and crafts of Bengal, the sights and sounds of rural life, which continue to haunt and inspire him as he trudges on confidently and successfully in his artistic journey. His art is intellectually penetrative, simultaneously playful and meditative.